About Libra Partnership

Founded in 2016, Libra has provided a voice for hundreds of individuals across the UK by delivering services including Out of Area Relevant Person Representative, Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy, Independent Mental Health Advocacy, and Litigation Support.

In addition, we also provide training and consultancy in a range of topics relevant to care homes, nursing homes and third sector organisations such as the Mental Health Act 1983 and Mental Capacity Act.

To find out more about us, and to meet the team, click here.

"The team have a good understanding of their roles and the application of the law and are proactive in consulting with the professionals and, when warranted, will raise a 21A challenge."

DoLS Manager - Local Authority

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What is Lasting Power of Attorney and Why Do You Need It?

Right now, the world feels like a pretty unpredictable place, where making plans for our futures is more important than...
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Know, See, Speak Out: 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Abuse

Libra Partnership are proud to support 16 Days of Action: End Domestic Abuse.

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